All Bikini Waxes £20, Perfect for Valentines Night...

All Bikini Waxes £20, Perfect for Valentines Night...

Book any Bikini Wax at Bliss For £20 using the finest wax system within the beauty industry, where disposable heads for your wax body service form part of your super professional service.

bikini wax

View offer here.


Alternatively, Bliss offers Laser Hair Removal bikini Treatments from £50 Per Treatment!!!

super hair removal

Regular Bikini -SHR way!
£50 Offer

Brazillian Bikini-SHR ways!
£80 Offer

Hollywood Bikini -SHR way!
£120 Offer

Under Arm-SHR way!
£50 Offer

Compare our prices - guaranteed cheapest and most affordable safe service in Leeds!

PLUS don't miss 3 for 2 on Super Hair Removal treatments! See offer here.


Book now for Valentines day! 

Bliss Spa 0113 2304305
Street Lane 0113 2698522