A Creative Way to Cut Carbs...

A Creative Way to Cut Carbs...

 If you've been thinking about your summer beach body, you may be aware that cutting down on carbohydrate intake is a great way to jump start weight loss. But they're in so many of our favourite meals! So why not try replacing the carbs in your favourite meals with salad?!

Introducing the chicken fajita salad....

Instead of eating your favourite tasty chicken fajitas, lose the wrap and make a salad. After all, the chicken, veg and spices aren't bad for you. Begin with a bed of lettuce, then add some salsa and guacamole ingredients such as tomato, avocado, chilli and coriander. Fry chicken, bell pepper and onion with Mexican spices (the easiest thing is to buy a packet of fajita spice). Add to the salad and drizzle with lime juice and a small amount of white wine vinegar. Voila -  a salad you'll actually really enjoy.

 Next up: cheeseburger salad!

The classic cheeseburger is one of our favourite unhealthy indulgences - but it doesn't have to be so bad! Again, you'll begin with your bed of lettuce, then add some tomatoes and dill pickles. Fry up some lean minced beef with onion, garlic, chilli and salt, black pepper and paprika to taste. Add to the salad and sprinle with grated light cheese. To make the dressing, blend mayonnaise, ketchup, onion powder, garlic powder, paprika, mustard and white vinegar, then drizzle over the salad. If you desire a healthier dressing, simply mix olive oil with white vinegar and season with paprika, onion powder and garlic powder

These are just a couple of suggestions but you'll see that the basic concepts can be applied to many of your favourite meals - pizza, curry and more!