What do the stars have in store for you in 2020?

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What do the stars have in store for you in 2020?

Well, it's official - 2020 is here! A brand new decade, and who knows what it will bring? Well, if you want a clue as to how the next 12 months will go, read on...
This is the year for you to think about what you really want out of life, and start working towards your goals! Things may be difficult and uncomfortable for a while, however there's an air of optimism as you know that everything will turn out fine in the end - the harder you work, the luckier you are! Take care of co-workers and your closest friends, but take time for yourself too. 
2020 is the year for you to dream big dreams! Your intuition and subconscious are telling you what you really want, so don't ignore them this year. Collaboration and creativity are calling to you. Your need to stick with the familiar battles your desire to shake things up this year. Romance is in the air, and may lead to a surprising turn of events towards the end of the year.
You have adventure and knowledge on your brain at the start of the year, and may be considering some international travel. You're feeling motivated and enthusiastic, allowing nothing to stand between you are achieving your goals. You may wonder, during the first half of the year, if you're really on the right track and aiming for the correct goals, however everything falls into place in the second half of 2020 - you know you're exactly where you need to be. 
You're ready to work hard this year in order to enjoy the finer things in life. 2020 is all about chasing love and money, and being open-minded in both of these areas. It may feel like you're working hard, but the results are worth it as you further discover your love of life's luxuries.
Your intuition and communication skills allow you to connect to both yourself and others on a higher level this year. However, take care and slow down when dealing issues such as miscommunication and misunderstandings. You'll be most perceptive around your birthday, noticing things that others often miss. This is also a great time to re-connect with siblings. Listen to your body and take care of your health, particularly around August. 
This January, the focus is on healing and re-building relationships. The end of June and start of July signify a time to re-boot and begin again. Let go of things that you no longer need, or that no longer make you happy. Figure out what's missing in your life. This is also a time to focus on taking care of yourself, in order to better take care of those close to you. 
You're the life and soul of the party this year, bringing joy to those around you. The end of June brings a reflective period, which may be uncomfortable as you face up to issues that you can no longer ignore. You may find an identity crisis on your hands during the start of the year, however this will all calm down by July. 
You're feeling open-minded and outgoing at the start of 2020, however keep in mind that taking care of your own mind and body is important now. Your positive actions will be effective for both yourself and others during difficult times this year, and your family may call on you for help at various points.
Love is in the air during the first couple of months of 2020, and you're feeling understanding, sensitive, and forgiving. However, close relationships will be under the spotlight in October. May-June bring a reflective period, during which you search for balance and peace, and think deeply about life. You may struggle with indecision this year, and be forced to accept that you can't always please everyone. 
You're feeling good at the start of the year, and nothing can stop you from doing what you want to. You're focusing on yourself, and it's amazing - 2020 is you for you to do you. Towards the end of the year, you may be craving more close relationships, and luckily others are drawn to you like magnets - but it's up to you who you allow into the inner circle. 
In 2020 you will make your own luck by working hard and shaping your future - however, you will be rewarded. You may review your goals between May-September, and even question some of your core opinions and beliefs. This may lead to a change of direction, or you might realise that you were on the right track all along. Towards the end of the year, you're excited by expanding your horizons, exploring new places, and meeting new people - particularly those who can tell you something about the world and yourself. 
You begin 2020 feeling sure of your purpose in life, and focusing on your goals. If you're prepared to make changes in order to meet your full potential, then progress is possible in all areas of your life this year. May offers an opportunity stop looking forward and reflect on the last few months instead, whilst December encourages you to open up and share more of yourself in order to expand your circle of friends.