Easter baking inspiration

Easter baking inspiration
Since we're stuck at home for a little bit longer, Easter provides us with a whole bunch of new Easter-themed activities to pass the time. Not only is Easter baking a fun activity to do by yourself or with your family or housemates, but it also means that you'll have delicious treats to nibble on throughout the long weekend.
Here are our favourite Easter baking recipes from around the web...
1. This easy Easter candy bark from Tasty
2. Classic Easter sugar cookies
3. This adorable chocolate and coconut bunny cake
4. Need to use up some creme eggs? Creme egg rocky road!
5. Or this delicious creme egg bundt cake - yum
6. Good old hot cross buns
7. This super chocolatey Easter cake
8. These adorable Easter biscuits
10. And finally, yummy Easter brownie bites from BBC Good Food
Keep an eye on the blog for more Easter-themed inspiration coming soon!