December 04, 2023
The Bliss Festive Season Bucket List

The Bliss Festive Season Bucket List

The festive season is here! There's so many exciting things to look forward to this time of year. In fact, maybe you've already done a few of our festive season favourites. Here is our festive season bucket list - everything you must do over the holiday period.
1. Sing along to Fairytale of New York at the top of your voice.
2. Watch your favourite Christmas movie.
3. Visit the German markets (and enjoy one too many steins in the beer tent).
4. Warm up with a mug of mulled wine by the fire.
5. Enjoy a mince pie.
6. Add a shot of liqeur into your hot chocolate or coffee - because it's Christmas.
7. Buy a festive themed drink at your favourite coffee shop.
8. Go Christmas shopping for gifts (and accidentally buy things for yourself instead).
9. Sing Christmas carols
10. Wear a cheesy Christmas jumper
11. Go for a wintery walk and warm up with a hot chocolate afterwards
12. Light a Christmas candle
13. Tuck into your advent calendar
14. Bake some Christmas cookies
15. Wrap your Christmas presents whilst singing along to Christmas music
16. Write and mail Christmas cards
17. Make a Christmas playlist
18. Hang a wreath on your front door
19. Build a gingerbread house
20. Take a family Christmas photo that you will look back on as a fond memory for years to come.
21. Check out the Christmas lights in your neighbourhood.
22. Decorate your tree and home
How many have you already done? Remember to tick them all off by the end of the year!