Your 2019 Horoscopes

Your 2019 Horoscopes
Well, it's official - 2019 is here! A brand new year, and who knows what it will bring? Well, if you want a clue as to how the next 12 months will go, read on...
With Jupiter in your corner from now until early December, you're due for some luck and success this year. This year is about taking the plunge and following your dreams. Some time around July you may experience a shift in mindset or a change in routines. This is also a prime time for relationships.
This is the year to really focus on your career goals, whether that means working your way up in your current role or studying for the job that you really want. Either way, now is the time. After struggling to save up money for the last few years, this is the year that you finally get on top of your finances from March onward.
2019 is the perfect your for you to expand your horizons. International travel is a great idea this year, or find other ways to invest in yourself and follow your dreams. You may rethink your ideas on where home is, and also your career this year. Take care with cash this year as it's up and down throughout 2019. October will be a fabulous time for romance!
Serious changes could be in store for you this year, particularly from March onward. Looks like you could be gaining a rebellious streak as you embrace creativity and innovation. The way that you communicate will change as you tire of your voice not being heard. The lunar eclipse on January 20th could bring you a surprise that you weren't prepared for. Be careful with money this year as there will be lost of opportunities to spend. Romance is also a strong theme this year, particularly in July and October.
2019 is a super strong year for all types of relationships - from romance to friends to work colleagues, your personal relationships will go from strength to strength. You may even patch up old rivalries or forget about them once and for all. March and April are your key times to make a major romantic move. You may experience loss in January and July, and you must accept the fact of change.
This is the year that you take destiny into your own hands. Channeling your energy into work and wellbeing will be successful. You may see shifts in partnership dynamics both at work and in love. This is also a year when friendships and life goals could undergo changes for you as rebellion is in the air. Romance is likely during July, October, or throughout 2020.
2019 is bringing you fun, adventure, and love. If you're in a relationship, now is the time to step outside of your comfort zone. If you're single, this is a great time to take a chance on someone who's not your usual type. However if you're not looking for love, focus on a personal project. Or focus on work, as despite some ups and downs, 2019 is the year to achieve your career goals.
Home is where the heart is for you this year, however you will also begin to challenge outdated family beliefs or habits. In March and April, you will get on top of your finances, which may also take the pressure off your love life. Take time to nurture friendships and ambitions this year in order to shape your destiny for the next couple of years. Romance may feel difficult but put the effort in in August and September, and you will feel the benefits by 2020.
Travel and communication are strong themes for you this year - maybe you will take some adventures and blog or journal about them. In March and April you may begin to feel the need to move in a new personal direction, and ask yourself what's next for you. Money and passion may be erratic this year, but if it's romance you want then October is the time.
You have more financial luck this year that usual, so take advantage of that and aim to increase your income. Relationships could be surprising this year, as you find yourself being attracted to someone who isn't your usual type. Your verbal and written interactions will be an underlying theme this year as you find ways to improve communications. July-September is the time to look for love this year - be sure to improve the friendship within a romance.
Ooh this could be your best year yet, or at least your best in a very long time as luck is on your side. Passion and finances are likely to fall into place in a way that you're totally happy with, as you also learn to let go of things that no longer have a place in your life. Being prepared to listen and learn will bring romantic rewards.